Guest Speakers

Dr. Hsi-Cheng (Jacky) Wang
MediaTek Inc.
Jacky Wang leads the wireless communication system and algorithm development platform at Mediatek.
He specializes in 3GPP Physical layer standards and performance testing requirements, communication system signal processing, communication system validation methods, and automation processes.
He holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University and has over 15 years of experience in mobile communication system and algorithm development.

Evan Tsai
Chroma ATE
現任致茂電子產品主任,負責8000系列軟體(包括Power Pro3與Power Pro5)及多項測試解決方案,涵蓋開關式電源供應器(SMPS,包括ATX 3.0、伺服器電源、AC/DC、DC/DC)、光伏逆變器、電力變流器(PCS)以及電動車無線電力傳輸(EV WPT)。加入Chroma之前,Evan曾在APC(施耐德電機旗下)擔任硬體研發工程師,累積4年的研發經驗,並在Chroma從事產品管理工作已超過12年。Evan具備深厚的技術背景及豐富的產品管理經驗,致力於提供創新與高效的測試解決方案,滿足客戶需求。

佘柏勳 Matt Ser
Delta Electronics
Matt Ser 佘柏勳為台達電子電動車逆變器事業部,韌體設計主任工程師,主要領域為車用控制器軟體應用層開發與驗證,過往開發經歷包含VCU(Vehicle Control Unit)、HCU(Hybrid Control Unit)、整車動力性能設計與調校以及電動車Traction Inverter,目前於台達電子負責電動車Traction Inverter軟體應用層Model Based Design設計方法導入,轉換現行產品開發模式,建立MATLAB/Simulink的軟體開發平台與架構,同時整合ASPICE軟體設計與驗證V Model,應用系統化且可追溯的開發流程,提升軟體元件開發品質與滿足標準化流程。

Scott Li
Scott Li is AE Director of Custom IC platform in Cadence Taiwan and lead AE team to provide best-in class customer support including following products: circuit design/layout environment, simulator, physical verification, extraction, and library characterization. Before joining Cadence, he worked in MediaTek for 5 years mainly focusing on Analog circuit design. Scott received both M.S. and B.S. Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University.

吳啓禾 Bobson Wu
Bobson Wu 吳啓禾畢業於國立臺北科技大學車輛工程所碩士班,碩論題目為預測前方變換車道應用於車輛跟隨策略之智慧型速度控制設計,針對在鄰近車道車變換車道時,應用自適應模糊推理系統及模型預測控制進行縱向控制,依據人類駕駛行為作為縱向控制器的訓練,並進行預先煞車控制。碩班期間曾參與義隆電子與北科大ADAS產學合作計畫AEB分項,主要負責自動緊急煞車演算法開發及驗證。2023年更曾參與天鈺AI綠色科技永續創新競賽,利用AI即時收集車輛資訊,智慧調控煞車回充系統,將煞車時產生的動能轉換為電能儲存,並榮獲佳作等殊榮。

Febryan Setiawan, Ph.D.
Febryan Setiawan is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Wearable Technology and Mobile Healthcare (WTMH) Laboratory in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). His ongoing research focuses on the development of AI-driven systems for the detection of sleep apnea using single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. His broader research interests include the development of AI algorithms for disease screening and detection, biomedical signal processing, medical image analysis, medical instrumentation, and wearable healthcare technologies. Dr. Setiawan earned his Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Bandung, Indonesia. He then pursued his Master of Science (M.S.) degree at the International Institute of Medical Device Innovation, followed by a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Biomedical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.).

李洋銳 Yang-Rui Li
Yang-Rui Li 李洋銳為國立成功大學航空太空工程學系博士生。專精於無人飛行載具技術,研究領域涵蓋系統建模、參數鑑別、訊號處理、多源傳感器融合、與控制律設計。擅長開發先進飛行控制系統演算法,並具備多旋翼機與運動控制平台等非線性系統的實務控制經驗。